Detained journalist and filmmaker Bahman Darolshafayi, who was arrested at his home on Wednesday February 3, contacted his family for the first time on Monday February 8 from Evin Prison.
He reportedly informed his family that he is being interrogated in his cell but is in general good health.
He reportedly told his family: “I am well but do not know when I can call back.”
There is no clear indication of which government body is responsible for his arrest nor which charges have been levelled against the Iranian-British dual citizen.
Two years ago, Darolshafayi was reportedly interrogated for months after he returned to Iran.
Since November, a crackdown on journalists has been ratcheted up by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), and some estimate at least 20 have been arrested in recent months.
The arrests come in reaction to the Iranian Supreme Leader’s warning against cultural infiltration by foreign elements.