Five political prisoners in Rejai Shahr Prison in Karaj have begun a hunger strike to protest that prison authorities have orchestrated attacks against them using “two prisoners with a history of violence”.
The Kaleme website reported on Saturday November 28 that two prisoners “with a history of violence and conflict threatened a number of political prisoners and attached them with knives”,
Kaleme alleges that the assailants had the support of Rejai Shahr management and that prison guards did not “take any steps to prevent the attacks”.
According to the report, Saeed Razavi Faqih, Saeed Madani, Jafar Eghdami, Behzad Arabgol and Kamran Ayazi have announced they are now on a hunger strike in protest against these attacks and they are calling for the removal of the two assailants from their ward.
Two photos posted on Kaleme show Razavi Faqih and Madani with knife scars on their faces.
The Mizan website, which is linked to Nationalist-Religious groups, also reported on the incident, saying telephone lines to Rejai Shahr have been cut off and families have been prevented from contacting their kin.
In recent years, especially following the widespread arrests of political activists after the election protests of 2009, political prisoners have often gone on hunger strikes to protest the mistreatment of prisoners by prison authorities.