There is growing fear over the fate of Habibollah Golparipour, an Iranian-Kurdish political prisoner who may be in imminent danger of execution.
The Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reports that Golparipour was moved from the prison ward and taken to the solitary confinement area of the intelligence office.
The report indicates that Golparipour was called by an Oroumiyeh Prison guard to take a phone call but instead was immediately moved to an unknown location.
HRANA’s source reveals that in the past two months, Golparpour has been moved twice to the intelligence office detention centre and threatened with the imminent execution of his death sentence.
The 37-year-old prisoner was arrested two and a half years ago in possession of a number of books.
He was reportedly subjected to severe physical and psychological torture at the security and military jails at Mahabad, Oroumiyeh and Sanandaj.
In March of 2010, he was sentenced to death for the charge of membership in the Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK).
The sentence was approved in the appellate court last September.
Golparipour has denied taking part in any kind of armed activities, and his father confirms that his son’s activities were solely cultural.