The Iranian Foreign Minister told his Swedish counterpart on Monday that the Iranian administration does not support incidents like the recent attack on the British embassy in Tehran.
ISNA reports that in a visit with the Swedish Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salehi said: “This attack was not foreseeable.”
Pointing to the many attacks on Iranian embassies in Europe, Salehi added: “Without trying to link these incidents together, we want to make every effort to prevent such events from recurring.”
The Swedish Foreign Minister also expressed the grave concern of all European countries and their diplomats in Iran. The Swedish minister urged the Iranian government to pursue the case to make sure it would not reoccur.
Last week, following rising tensions between Iran and Britain, a group of Iranian protesters staged a demonstration in front of the British Embassy in Tehran and later stormed the building, burned the British flag and ran the diplomats out.
They were finally removed by Iranian security forces.
The incident led to the closure of the British embassy in Tehran and the Iranian embassy in London.
The incidents followed Britain’s announcement that it will boycott Iran’s entire banking sector including the Central Bank. Iran’s Parliament responded with a motion to downgrade relations with Britain to the level of charge d’affaires.