Several Iranian civil servants are among the recent detainees linked to a CIA spying network, Fars news agency reports.
Fars cites a “knowledgeable source” saying that a public servant in the financial sector has passed on information about recent transactions and Iran’s method of circumventing economic sanctions.
The Islamic Republic ministry of intelligence announced yesterday that it has busted a U.S. spy network in Iran with the arrest of 30 suspects accused of having CIA links.
Today’s report by Fars adds that the suspects have surrendered information regarding “penetration levels of x-ray machines, the delivery methods of such equipment to Iran and plans for bombings and sabotage.”
The report says officials confiscated an information package, before it could be passed on to foreigners, that details how to sabotage the activities of a government institution.
Fars writes that one of the detainees has been working in a government management position for more than 25 years.
Mohammad Karami-Rad, a member of Parliament’s national security commission, said today that the exposed spy ring is connected with Persian Gulf states, adding that “Iran’s anti-espionage activities have now entered a new level.”
The intelligence ministry has alleged that CIA operative have used U.S. embassies and consulates in several countries, including UAE, Malaysia and Turkey, to gather information from Iranian universities and scientific research centers and from such industries as nuclear energy, aerospace, defence and biotechnology.”