Iran arrests 30 individuals accused of being CIA agents and announces the “collapse of a spying network” in the country.
The ministry of intelligence issued an announcement saying: “This network aimed as collecting information and forcing people to engage in spying activities with traps such as offering foreign visas and residency as well as employment and study abroad.”
Iran’s intelligence ministry contends that these networks have been established by top CIA officials in a number of countries in the world.
They add that the CIA uses US embassies and consulates in certain countries especially the UAE, Malaysia and Turkey in order to gather information about Iran’s science and research facilities as well as its nuclear energy, aviation, defence and biotechnology industries.
“Gathering information about Iran’s oil and gas pipelines, its electricity and communication networks, airports and customs as well as bank and telecommunication security” is also noted amongst the targets of the CIA networks.
The ministry also indicates that they have identified 42 CIA operatives in various countries and have warned the public to avoid suspicious offers of foreign visas for study or employment abroad.