The children of MirHosein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard issued a new statement today describing their latest unsuccessful attempt to see their parents at their home and their growing concern for their well-being. Last night they found no evidence of their parents continued presence there.
The daughters of the Iranian opposition leaders tried to visit their parents at their home in an alley off Pasteur Avenue in Tehran. The alley has been sealed for the past two weeks by a steel gate which prevents visitors from entering.
On Tuesday, two top judiciary officials announced that, despite contrary reports on opposition websites, the opposition leaders were in fact still at their homes, though admittedly sealed off from all outside contact.
Yesterday the state-backed Keyhan newspaper quoted a security official saying the children of detained opposition leaders MirHosein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi will be allowed to see their parents once they agree to refrain from delivering political messages.
For more than two weeks, no contact with the two opposition leaders and their wives has been allowed, and opposition websites report that all four captives have been moved to a Revolutionary Guards prison.
Mousavi’s daughters say they told security personnel at their parent’s alley about the Keyhan report, hoping to gain entrance. But the guards said the news report was erroneous.
MirHosein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi and their wives were cut off from the outside world by Islamic Republic security forces after the opposition leaders rallied people to take part in widespread demonstrations to show solidarity with the recent Arab uprisings.