Opposition websites report that people are beginning to gather and chant slogans in some sections of Tehran on the date the oppositon has called a protest rally in commemoration of the two people killed in the last oppostion street demonstrations on Monday.
Rhaesabz reports that with the closing of government offices, the number of people joining the crowds in the streets is increasing by the minute.
On Enghelab Street, a major thoroughfare and a usual route for demonstrations, internet access has been blocked, says an eyewitness.
While internet users report that various Google services are being blocked by Iranian authorities, the Fars news agency, which has connections to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, says the Google search engine has “officially become a tool in the service of the U.S. foreign ministry in support of anti-Revolutionary movement.”
Saham News reports that security forces and anti-riot guards have blocked Vali Asr Square, and an eyewitness has told Zamaneh: “In Vali Asr Square there are so many security forces, there is no place to move; however, people are also there but no one has started chanting any slogans yet.”
In Mahabad, in Kurdistan Province, four major streets of the city have been blocked by protesters, Zamaneh has been told. Protesters are also gathering in Sanadaj, another major city in Kurdistan province.