Jenin has now become the most critical point in the West Bank. Earlier this week, the Israeli military began what seems to be one of the most extensive operations that has taken place in the area in years. Israeli forces have finally withdrawn from Jenin and the Palestinian refugee camp, but in the past days, at least 12 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier were killed. Only 5 out of the 12 Palestinians who were killed were confirmed as belonging to militant groups while the 7 others were civilians.
Emanuele Del Rosso’s cartoon compares Israel’s military “special operations” in Jenin to Russia’s war on Ukraine; A war declared as “special military operations” by the Russian dictator. More than 9 thousand Ukrainian civilians have been killed in the war in Ukraine and at least 15 thousand and 780 people have been injured. The total number of military casualties on both sides reaches hundreds of thousands.
Our Cartoon of the Week is: “Special Operations” by Emanuele Del Rosso. Source: CartoonMovement.