Jafar Panahi’s documentary This is Not a Film, made in collaboration with Mojtaba MirTahmasb, has been shortlisted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for January’s Oscar nominations.
The academy released a list of 15 documentaries yesterday, highlighting the best candidates for nominations, and on January 10, five films will be chosen from the list to compete for the 2013 Oscar.
This is Not a Film premiered at Cannes 18 months ago and won the special UNESCO award at the Sofia Festival in Bulagaria.
The film, made without a script or special filming equipment, follows one day in the life of Jafar Panahi, a prominent Iranian filmmaker who has been banned by the state from making any films.
Panahi, a successful Iranian filmmaker who has won numerous international awards for such films as The White Balloon, The Circle and Offside, was arrested following the 2009 election protests, when the government launched a widespread crackdown on those who challenged the election results. He was sentenced to six years in prison for “acting against National security” and “propaganda against the regime”. He is also banned from making films and engaging in any media activities for 20 years.