Iran’s Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant will reach full capacity by the end of August, a spokesman for the plant’s Russian contractors said.
Interfax reports that one of the contractors of the Russian company Atomestroy Export, the chief builders of the power plant, reported on Monday that the plant’s schedule remains unchanged.
The report indicates that the power plant was first scheduled to reach full capacity at the end of 2011, and then that was delayed to May 23, 2012.
The power plant was first initiated in Iran in the 1970s before the 1979 Iranian Revolution, when the German Company Siemens was contracted to build it. The plans were abandoned after the Revolution and then later picked up by the Russian contractors in 1992.
The plant was launched in September of 2011 and last May it reached 90-percent capacity.
The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Agency, Fereydoon Abbasi, has been quoted as saying that Iran plans to build two additional nuclear power plants.
The launch of the Bushehr Power Plant was previously delayed after reports hit the news that the computer virus Stuxnet had infected Iran’s industrial computer systems. Some reports have suggested that the virus was specially built by the Israeli and American governments to delay Iran’s nuclear program.