With the approach of nuclear talks between Iran and the G5+1, the Iranian ambassador to the IAEA announced that Iran will not suspend its nuclear program or its enrichment of uranium.
Ali Asghar Soltanieh said in an interview with FOX News that even though Iran is not developing nuclear weapons, it will not halt uranium enrichment.
Yukiya Amano, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, was also interviewed by Fox News and he said that the IAEA is not fully convinced that Iran’s nuclear program has no military dimension. He said that due to new intelligence, there must be further inspection of Iranian military sites, namely the Parchin Military Base.
Soltanieh pointed out that the base was inspected in 2005 and added that, as long as the issue is not politicized, the IAEA inspectors will be allowed to visit the site once more.
He said Iran’s security could be threatened by frequent visits to military sites at any whim.
In February, IAEA inspectors visited Iran for two days and, upon their return, the delegation announced that its request to visit Parchin Military Base had been turned down.
Iran responded by saying the visit was not on the delegation’s agenda and it could only be allowed with proper notification.
Amano then announced that because of new intelligence, he is concerned that the base might have been used for certain nuclear tests, adding that the agency needs better cooperation from the Islamic Republic.
Soltanieh also told the Fox interviewer that international sanctions will not sway Iran’s determination to exploit nuclear power for peaceful purposes. He added that the level of Iran’s cooperation depended on the attitude of the negotiators. He insisted that Iran will not cooperate when confronted with threats.
U.S. State Secretary Hilary Clinton announced yesterday that the G5+1 will meet with an Iranian delegation on April 13 in Istanbul.