Iranians took to the streets in Isfahan and Tehran to protest the recent incidents of acid throwing in Isfahan and demand that the authorities provide security for all citizens.
In Isfahan, reports indicate that more that 2000 people gathered in front of the Justice Department buildings demanding swift action from the government.
Demonstrators in Isfahan also called on city authorities to use their closed circuit cameras installed around all over the city to identify the acid throwers.
In recent weeks in a number of incidents, women have been assaulted with acid, leaving at least one dead and many others struggling with serious burns to their hands and faces.
In Tehran people gathered in front of parliament to demand safety and security for all citizens.
The authorities have said that according to investigations from the victims, the assailant appears to be a single individual.
Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam, head of the country's security forces told ISNA that foreign media have tried to link the incidents to hijab and the Islamic dress code in public, but he stressed: "The victims are pious individuals from religious families."