The head of Ansar-e Hezbollah, the paramilitary group usually referred to as “plainclothes” forces by the Iranian public, has announced that it will put 4,000 of its forces on the street next week to confront violations of hijab, the Islamic public dress code.
Abdolmajid Mohtasham added that there would be 3,000 women and 1,000 men patrolling the streets.
The Minister of the Interior reacted to the news on ILNA, saying all actions must comply with the rule of law and the ministry will make an appropriate response to those actions if necessary.
The head of Anser-e Hezbollah reports that the 4,000 people enlisted for this campaign filled out application forms and later “received approval by a member of the clergy.”
He went on to add that the Ansar-e Hezbollah guards will give “verbal warnings” to women regarding their hijab but also added also that those warning will be “serious and effective.”
A spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior has been quoted as saying that the enforcement campaign planned by Ansar-e Hezbollah is more likely to create a public disturbance, adding: “The ministry will not allow any group to act without proper permissions.”