Kaleme opposition website reports that the house arrest of MirHosein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard has become more severe with more security measures imposed on the two opposition leaders.
In a report on Sunday August 31 Kaleme reports that 1300 days into the house arrest of Mousavi and Rahnavard no legal entity has taken responsibility for their arrest and the rare visits they have with their daughters has become more difficult and heavily supervised by more and more officials.
Mousavi and Rahnavard were put under house arrest in February of 2011 and the judiciary has failed to formally charge them with any clear charges.
Mousavi and his peer Mehdi Karroubi challenged the results of the 2009 elections and have been accused of sedition by the conservative factions of the Islamic Republic.
They have been isolated from the public and denied any visitors except for rare visits from their daughters.
Hassan Rohani and his administration have tried to secure their release since they took power in 2013 but conservatives have put up severe resistance against their release.