Fifty Iranian MPs have filed a complaint with the Supervisory Board of Representatives against Ali Motahari, the outspoken Tehran representative who has been very critical of the house arrest of MirHosein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi and Zahra Rahnavard with no judicial proceedings.
In his latest speech last week in Parliament, Motahari once again began to tell Parliament that the house arrest of these individuals without any formal judicial orders is a violation of the constitution, when he was heckled by a number of MPs and finally forced to end his speech prematurely.
A spokesman for the Supervisory Board told Tasnim News Agency that it has received the complaint, which will be examined at the next board meeting. The supervisory board has the jurisdiction to impose penalties on representatives for violations of parliamentary regulations.
While Motahari has criticized the house arrest of the opposition leaders without a court order, the top figures of the judiciary have rejected any revision of their situation, saying it is not in the interests of the regime to give these individuals a trial. They have verbally accused them of sedition and claim there is enough evidence to give them the death penalty, but no formal charges have ever been laid against them.
Motahari reacted to news of the complaint, saying it is he who should be filing a complaint for being interrupted in Parliament and forced to cut his speech by heckling MPs, who also caused some scratches on his hands.